"taking a cooking class with your husband." it sounds like a fun date night, right? while it was a blast to go to, it was hardly a date night. i guess the point of "date night" though, is to force ourselves out of the house and do something fun together. so last night "technically" still fit our requirements. it just happened to be with people we "know" (more on that later) and ended in a hangover the next morning.

jersey city is a funny place. people are so welcoming and interested in meeting new people that we all start following each other on instagram and social media before we meet in person. before you know it, 6 months (or more) go by, and you still haven't met each other in person. when you finally do it's like
"hey i'm jenn"
"yes i know, nice to finally meet you in person, i'm renee"
"yes i know, nice to meet you too"
"i love your blue sofa!"in a round about way, that's pretty much the conversation we had last night. maybe we never met in person yet, and maybe we've been stalking following each other on instagram for quite some time, but we felt like we already knew each other! it's sort of weird, right? when i talk about it, it's weird. but it doesn't feel weird. that's the cool part about it. social media is a wonderful thing.
anyways, about this cooking class we took! it was hosted by bambino chef and lourdes of the vine . lou lou from lourdes of the vine provided the wine (and the awesome wine tasting lessons!), while renee of bambino chef provided the rest with the help of chef joyce. the night started off with some sparkling wine to help us through getting to know one another. once everyone arrived and suited up, we were split into 2 groups. hung's group made cheesy savory cookies, and my group made garlic sausage with puff pastry (i forget what each item was called, i'm terrible with my french food!!) once everything went into the oven, both groups started assembling the figs with blue cheese! since it's not fig season, chef joyce rehydrated dried figs with port wine, red wine, and water so we could stuff them with blue cheese, bake, and drizzle with a port wine reduction.

guys. it. was. so. good.
the cheesy cookies were amazing (how could you not enjoy it when 2 of the 3 main ingredients were butter and parmesan!?) the garlic sausage with puff pastry tasted like "pigs in a blanket" to me, but with the nicer meat (i.e. NOT hotdogs) and puff pastry instead of croissants. served sliced with mustard, they were the perfect little one-bite snack. lastly the figs. omg the figs. not a new flavor to us, we've been making pizzas with dried fruit and blue cheese for a while, but when it was in one-bite form with the sticky delicious port wine reduction, i could have eaten the entire plate.

each dish we made was paired with a french wine. i've always read about how to pair wine with food, and i've read about how to properly do a wine tasting, but i've never actually done it. i had never been taught to do it. last night i learned that swirling the wine in the glass, indeed, does make the smell come out better, and slurping the wine, indeed, does bring out the flavors. (i felt so fancy doing all those fancy wine things and actually understanding why instead of doing it because that's what i see people do when they get a bottle of wine in a restaurant).

what a great group of chefs after dark last night!! we were all basically best friends by the end of the night. maybe the wine helped. but this is why i love doing things like this. lou lou and renee weren't exactly strangers to us, but the rest of the group definitely were strangers to us when they walked in the door at the beginning of the night. by the end of the night we hugged goodbye like best friends.

while bambino chef focuses on children's cooking classes, kids birthday parties, and occasionally a private party for adults and families, i have to say the first adult class open to the public was quite the success!!
just wait.... you're gonna see those savory cookies again soon. like, maybe, on that holiday coming up, that one where it's ok to indulge in butter and cheese.... and nearly everything else.
p.s. can you tell we had a great time? i'm posting this literally hours after the event when i haven't posted in, well, almost 2 weeks! i'm a terrible blogger....